
Ball Type Check Valve

Ball Type Check Valve is a type of valve which only permits flow in one direction. Ball Type Check Valves are often designed for safety reasons, to prevent back flow and to ensure that someone operating a system knows which direction fluids and gases are flowing in. Ball Type Check Valves can also be used for tasks like creating leak tight seals, which can be an important safety or convenience future. Ball Type Check Valves are also used for the routine task of directing fluids or gases efficiently through a system.
Ball Type Check Valve Specifications
Operating Pressure:250 Bar
Internal Leakage:3 drops/min. max. at 250 Bar 
Crack Pressures:
0.2=0.2 Bar
1.0=1.0 Bar
2.1=2.1 Bar
3.4=3.4 Bar
4.8=4.8 Bar
Temperature:-22°F to +250°F (-30°C to +120°C) 

